Climate + Health Declaration
We believe in community resilience
The Kansas Climate + Health Declaration aims to increase awareness of the impacts of climate change on public health, to increase civic engagement on climate action in Kansas, and to advance policies that build community resilience and safeguard the future of our state.
We Declare Our Commitment to a Healthier Future for All
Make a clear call to Kansas leadership.
The Kansas Climate + Health Declaration aims to increase awareness of the impacts of climate change on public health, to increase civic engagement on climate action in Kansas, and to advance policies that build community resilience and safeguard the future of our state.
Make a clear call to Kansas leadership to address climate change as a primary threat to public health. People of Kansas and organizations: read and sign the declaration on the form below these statements.
Climate disruption impacts the lives, health, and economic well-being of Kansans.
Because our agricultural economy depends heavily on the weather, “Climate change is a substantial concern in Kansas.”1
We are already seeing the impacts of a changing climate. If we do not take immediate action to reduce emissions, we face increased risks of extreme drought, wildfires, floods, and food shortages.2
In Kansas, increases in extreme weather threaten livelihoods, destabilize communities, and drain resources. Farmers, ranchers, construction workers, first responders, and military personnel will be among the first to experience the effects of climate change.3
Climate change is a major public health concern in Kansas.
Kansans will experience increases in cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and other chronic conditions according to projected climate change scenarios.1
Longer periods of pollen production will worsen asthma symptoms and lead to longer, more intense, allergy seasons.4
Warmer temperatures and changes in the geographic ranges of ticks and mosquitos will increase vector-borne diseases such as Lyme disease and West Nile Virus.5
Increased heat wave intensity and frequency, increased humidity, degraded air quality, and reduced water quality will increase public health risks.6
Impacts on mental health include increased stress, depression, and anxiety; strained social and community relationships; increases in aggression, violence, and crime; and increases in trauma, shock, and post-traumatic stress disorder.7
Those least responsible will be the most impacted and least able to adapt.
- “Climate change exacerbates existing health and social inequities.”8
- Vulnerable populations will bear the greatest burden. Children, seniors, low income communities, communities of color, immigrant communities, those with chronic disease, pregnant women, Indigenous peoples, and people with disabilities will be most impacted.8
- “Failure to take prompt, substantive action would be an act of injustice to all children.”9
Solutions exist at all levels to build resilience, economic opportunities, and healthy communities.
- Protect Kansas water, energy, air, and land resources.
- Reduce emissions associated with electricity generation, transportation, and agriculture.
- Secure and increase access to healthcare across the state.
- Learn about solutions that work in Kansas.
- Take action in homes, organizations, and communities.
- Adopt state and local Climate Action Plans setting a deliberate course for the future.
- We stand with leading public health organizations in making a clear call to our state’s leadership to address climate change as a primary threat to public health.
- We urge bold, comprehensive action to reduce emissions and build resilience. We need to reduce risks of climate disruption to safeguard the future of our state.
Kansas Climate + Health Declaration
Please click here for an active form.
Your representatives will receive a postcard indicating your support of the Climate + Health Declaration, as listed on the petition page. We hope you will join us at the WEALTH Day of Advocacy and Education at the Capitol on February, 10, 2020 to help deliver postcards.
declare organizational support
Take Action
Do you have an organization, agency, farm or business that wants to sign the declaration?
major signers
Take action
Your involvement can grow from here. Please use these resources freely as you reach out to decision-makers, institutions and friends.
Write letters to the editor
Templates and samples for writing your own letters and op-eds.
Host an event
Hold a conversation, conduct a forum, or throw a party to get more signatures on this declaration.
Kansas Environmental leadership
Apply to a program.
Register to Vote
Get guidance on Kansas elections.
“The Climate + Health Declaration is powered by the Climate + Energy Project (CEP). Donations made through this site are managed by CEP to fund education, outreach, and dissemination of the Climate + Health Declaration. Support the Kansas Climate + Health Declaration with a tax-deductible donation.
Header photo by Jannell Lloyd Nichols licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.