References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Climate Change Impacting Flea and Tick Season EcoWatch As winters become milder, fleas stay active longer. And as conditions change, some species of ticks are expanding their ranges. Pets View all...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment Summary: EnglishEspañol The Impacts of Climate Change Summary coming soon. Título del trabajo Próximamente. In Kansas, increases in extreme weather threaten...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Fourth National Climate Assessment: Midwest U.S. Global Change Research Program Increased heat wave intensity and frequency, increased humidity, degraded air quality, and reduced water quality will...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Health and Climate Change in Kansas Kansas Health Institute Because our agricultural economy depends heavily on the weather, “Climate change is a substantial concern in Kansas.” Agriculture, Air...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Asthma and Climate Change: What you need to know American Lung Association Longer periods of pollen production and warmer temperatures will lead to longer, more intense, allergy seasons. Air Quality,...