References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Union of Concerned Scientists Summary: EnglishEspañol Killer Heat in the United States Coming soon. Título del trabajo Próximamente. “Conditions that are manageable for some people can be dangerous— or...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment Summary: EnglishEspañol The Impacts of Climate Change Summary coming soon. Título del trabajo Próximamente. In Kansas, increases in extreme weather threaten...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C approved by governments Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change We are already seeing the impacts of a changing climate. If...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Climate Change Health and Equity APHA Guide for Local Health Departments “Climate change exacerbates existing health and social inequities.” Children, Communities of Color, Community, Low-income,...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. A Declaration on Climate Change and Health American Public Health Association Vulnerable populations will bear the greatest burden. Children, seniors, low income communities, communities of color,...