References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment Summary: EnglishEspañol The Impacts of Climate Change Summary coming soon. Título del trabajo Próximamente. In Kansas, increases in extreme weather threaten...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Health and Climate Change in Kansas Kansas Health Institute Because our agricultural economy depends heavily on the weather, “Climate change is a substantial concern in Kansas.” Agriculture, Air...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Diseases Carried by Vectors Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Warmer temperatures and changes in the geographic ranges of ticks and mosquitos will increase vector-borne diseases such as Lyme...
References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Climate Change and Children’s Health American Academy of Pediatrics “Failure to take prompt, substantive action would be an act of injustice to all children.” Air Quality, Children, Community, Disease,...