Union of Concerned Scientists

Union of Concerned Scientists

References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Union of Concerned Scientists Summary: EnglishEspañol Killer Heat in the United States Coming soon. Título del trabajo Próximamente. “Conditions that are manageable for some people can be dangerous— or...
USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment

USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment

References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. USGCRP Climate and Health Assessment Summary: EnglishEspañol The Impacts of Climate Change Summary coming soon. Título del trabajo Próximamente. In Kansas, increases in extreme weather threaten...
APHA Guide for Local Health Departments

APHA Guide for Local Health Departments

References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Climate Change Health and Equity APHA Guide for Local Health Departments “Climate change exacerbates existing health and social inequities.” Children, Communities of Color, Community, Low-income,...
American Psychological Association

American Psychological Association

References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. MENTAL HEALTH AND OUR CHANGING CLIMATE American Psychological Association Climate change has far-ranging impacts on mental health, including increased stress, depression, and anxiety; strained social...
American Academy of Pediatrics

American Academy of Pediatrics

References References supporting the Climate + Health Declaration. Climate Change and Children’s Health American Academy of Pediatrics “Failure to take prompt, substantive action would be an act of injustice to all children.” Air Quality, Children, Community, Disease,...

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